What’s Price Beauty Skin-whitening Products Come Under The Spotlight

More teens have been criticised for their over-obsession with beauty and their careless indulgence in any “hit” product whether or not it has a stamp of approval from the Food and Drug Administration. Several teenagers will jump on a craze ignited by internet claims and are willing to buy whatever hit product fits their demands – be it whitening creams, dietary supplements or “big eye” contact lenses.
Muse asked how you view the situation. Do you think this obsession that leads to teenagers fearlessly purchasing products that don’t have approval from the FDA poses a social problem – and, if so, why? What do you think the authority should do to raise the awareness of safe pursuit of beauty among teenagers?
It saddens me every time I read about more youth and teenagers’ craze for things to enhance their outer beauty, rather than competing to excel in their education and obtaining life skills that will make them invaluable human capital to help make more competitive in this globalised world. The case of the “big eye” contact lenses and other beautifying products not having FDA approval is another example, and I certainly think this poses a social problem.
Personally, I think the teenagers are not to be totally blamed. The values placed by society to be attractive and famous to earn big money; businesses exploiting the youth by coming up with affordable substitutes; and even parents, who may not have the time to guide these youngsters through this challenging phase in their life when they are struggling for their identity, should all share the responsibility.
As for the FDA, I have the following recommendations for them to do their duty effectively:
1) Keep themselves updated with new products, so they can be included in the list of items that require prior approval;
2) Make timely amendments to the laws and regulations
3) Strictly enforce the law.

I think the authority is to blame for teens’ obsession with beauty. Exaggeration and distortion of information to make products better than they really are should be banned as much as alcohol and cigarettes! If they ban alcohol and cigarettes because they pose a threat to national health, look what these beauty products have done! It’s now not just about health but also social values. These advertisements are all about being beautiful to win a man.
Apart from curbing the content of commercials, the authority should start thinking about creating an awareness about beauty products, as well as encouraging people to be a quality consumers who know the truths and lies of the cosmetic world.
It’s a social problem when you think of these teens as the future of the nation – and you cannot have a promising nation built upon manpower mindlessly obsessed with beauty. It’s not wrong caring for your own good looks but it’s not all right doing every means to achieve the desired look without pausing to think what predicament it comes with.