Go to any beauty store and you will see isles of lotions, potions, creams and various apparatuses that promise to help turn back the hands of time for your facial skin. Some have merit and do improve the look of aging skin, but rarely can the new product promises surpass the tried and true beauty advice passed down through generations.
Wrinkle Prevention Sleep on your back to prevent wrinkles. Sleeping on one’s side or stomach presses one side of the face into the pillow for hours. The skin on that side of the face is often mashed into unnatural positions which can result in collagen breakdown and early wrinkles (just like frown or smile lines).
Apply moisturizer under makeup every morning to keep skin soft and supple. When applying moisturizer or washing skin, rub in an upward motion. Gravity pulls skin down and rubbing up counteracts the pulls of gravity (slightly) to help prevent wrinkles.
Prevent Pimples Keeping the skin clean helps prevent pimples. Always remove makeup before going to bed by washing skin with soap (or other skin cleanser) and warm water. Pat dry and don’t apply moisturizer at night so skin can -breathe’ and pores can remain open.
When pimples do occur, never squeeze them. Attempting to squeeze a pimple can cause facial scarring by allowing bacteria to enter into the broken skin and creating a sore larger and deeper than the original pimple. Hold a warm, wet clean washcloth over whitehead pimple for 10-15 minutes, then gently pull skin on either side away from the pimple and the white puss will drain out. Swab with alcohol to kill germs and apply anti-bacterial ointment to speed healing.
Vaseline and White Socks Once or twice a week, slather feet and hands with a thick layer of Vaseline petroleum jelly before going to bed. Put a pair of clean, white cotton socks on feet and hands (or white cotton gloves) to protect bedding and warm skin so Vaseline will penetrate deep into skin layers. This will smooth and soften skin while keeping hands and nails youthful looking.
Smile Nothing makes a face look more beautiful than a smile. Practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing twice a day so your smile will be bright white and you can greet the world with confidence. The sage beauty advice passed down to you through generations of women who have adhered to it to maintain their beauty, combined with a visit to your local beauty store for a few modern day products to enhance beauty can help keep you looking years, perhaps decades, younger than your real age.