Global warming and climate change are now major concerns for humanity and our natural environment, due to ever increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 (Carbon Dioxide).

Without Government regulations to enforce change industries and companies must take their own initiative to adopt more sustainable practices. Organic Care is a hair care brand developed by Australian based Natures Organics P/L who has initiated the world’s first bio-pack in the hair care industry. Setting an industry benchmark with an innovative and environmentally responsible solution that took a shift away from crude oil based plastic bottles, into corn-based packaging. Natures Organics estimated it would prevent 300,000 kg’s of CO2 going into the atmosphere in the first year of Organic Care’s Bio-pack.

The future of Bio-Plastic will see the bottle either recycled for re-use, or being placed into green waste bins and taken to a commercial composting station. The degraded material will then be available for use in gardens and farms to grow new crops. Polylactic acid (PLA) is a technology that could replace many traditional polypropylene bottles that rely heavily on fossil fuels, which result in an estimated 3.4kg of CO2 for every kilogram of plastic. In contrast, the growth of plant material such as corn starch to sustain PLA production will generate a carbon filtration process, and support a new era in sustainable plastic production and the offset of CO2 emissions. Organic Care demonstrates that there are alternatives available that reduce an environmental footprint, while not diminishing the quality of a product.

Natures Organics is proud to be the first in the world to provide bio-packaging for hair care products with Organic Care. At a time when consumers demand environmentally responsible products Natures Organics has responded with more sustainable packaging, a technology that deserves attention and support in today’s marketplace.