The inside business report scam of our time is the relationship between beauty and appearance, between merit and looks. Inside business report scam, inside business report tv scam, inside business review scam, or inside business review tv scam, whatever you want to call it the lust for profit, the greed behind the beauty industry is one of the great corruptions of our time. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder than how does one behold the dominance and preponderance of the cosmetic surgery phenomenon, our true inside business report scam? What explanation is there for this gap between real, deep, and true beauty, beauty of wisdom, love of truth and nature, and the artificial surgically enhanced attempts at beauty found in procedures like breast augmentation, face-lifts, and liposuction? The answer lies somewhere in the relationship between the Platonic ideal of beauty as the good and the true and the contemporary relationship between vanity and short-sighted thinking that plagues women in search of a quick fix in order to feel young and beautiful and retain or attain their power as sex objects. In this equation, we get a zero sum game, an inside business report scam with no end.

The inside business report scam of osmetic surgery is a slippery slope with no end. Breast augmentation? Why not a liposuction? Why not remove some wrinkles? How about a little off the back? The result of this illogical sequence is Joan Rivers: a caricature of pathos and the female desperation complex born out of a vain attempt to stay young and beautiful, as if these two phenomena were possible through cosmetic surgery. In order to critique Cosmetic Surgery, we must understand its first and foremost reason for being: profit. There is no end to the potential of the inside business report scam potential for deceit and lies when it comes to the beauty industry. Cosmetic Surgery is a business and like all businesses it must convince people of a need that does not exist and to do so it convinces people that they need it to stay good-looking, powerful, and young.

The result is a business scam, an inside business report scam where the perpetrators and the victims are the ones who convince themselves they need cosmetic surgery. Getting inside this business report scam, this business review scam, requires getting inside the mindset, the pressures women face to feel beautiful and young. These artificial pressures from society, the mediasphere, are based on hatred and misogynist complexes that reduce women to sex objects and result in self-hatred and feelings of inadequacy for most women.

Where does the obsession with big breasts come from? Why do so many women in the media culture, from pornography to Hollywood and television, all succumb to this artificial pressure to enlarge their breasts with silicone or saline to the point where they end up looking like female caricatures on a 1970s pinball machine. The answer appears to be power. More specifically women who choose breast augmentation, botox, collagen, face-lifts, or any other form of cosmetic surgery procedure feel that their only source of power comes from their ability to attract men, to become objects of sexual desire and symbols of power for male vanity.

In short, they feel their only source of power comes from their value as sex objects, as objects for male pleasure, which is to say that this source of power is really not very powerful and is in fact demeaning. Breast augmentation poses a unique question in this dynamic because a womans breasts represent so much: sexuality and fertility. A womans breasts are the most visible outward sources of her sexual aura. Yet once women choose breast augmentation surgery and the ensuring inside business report scam, they enter into a losing proposition where their power is only an illusion. The enlargement of breast volume, projection, and width is only an external and vain attempt at achieving desirability and sexual power.

Of course, beautiful breasts, like beauty itself, are in the eye of the beholder. Most men, according to many polls, find smaller breasts more alluring than bigger breasts. Many examples of sublimely beautiful women with smaller breasts abound. Such women choose breast augmentation inside business report scam that only moderately enhanced their breasts and still left much to the imagination. Of course, women who have suffered adverse physical effects of pregnancy or breast cancer may find cosmetic surgery a perfectly justifiable process and they are hardly in the same league as those bleach blond bimbos trying to impress People magazine.

The answer is to deconstruct this culture of sexual objectification along with the culture of inside business report scams from Hollywood to Wall Street, and silly standards of beauty so women can find their own empowerment through education, finance, creativity, and other means. Getting inside the business report scam, the inside business review scam, the root of the scam, of the lie, means understanding that beauty, truth, and the good are the same when they combine wisdom with freedom and the power to make ones own path toward empowerment and beauty.