Meaningful Beauty Advanced Anti-aging System
This is your chance to discover the natural secret that’s helped Cindy literally turn back the clock on visible aging.
Hosted by Valerie Bertinelli, with special guests from gossip girl and NCIS.
Brought to you by Guthy-Renker.
Hi, everyone. I’m Valerie Bertinelli, here in Hollywood together with an amazing group of ladies. And we’re all very excited, because in just a few minutes supermodel Cindy Crawford is going to come out and share how she manages to look so good and so youthful at age 43. In fact, Cindy was recently featured wearing not a drop of makeup in people magazine’s “100 most beautiful people” issue. Whatever she’s doing, it’s obviously working. So, if you’re curious to learn Cindy’s secret and find out how you can put it to work for your skin, keep it right here.
( applause )
Cindy Crawford is amazing.
She’s a supermodel. She’s gorgeous.
You know, she’s a mom and she’s active, and her skin is beautiful. Obviously she’s doing something right. I want to look like Cindy.
For more than 15 years, Cindy seems to have defied the aging process. Her skin is remarkably youthful, free of lines or wrinkles. Is it magic, or could Cindy have a real secret to lasting youth?
Cindy’s been around doing this since she was a young, young woman, and she’s 43 now. Nobody lasts that long in her business. Only Cindy has.
She is proud to say I am 43, and I look great, which is pretty fantastic. We all want to know what is Cindy Crawford’s secret.
The secret to Cindy’s wrinkle-free skin is French anti-aging specialist dr. Jean-Louis Sebagh.
His youth-enhancing treatments are so miraculous, he’s been hailed as…
Dr. Sebagh is one of the most sought-after skin doctors on earth, with models and VIP clients who flock to him for his exclusive treatments and formulas.
Dr. Sebagh, I mean, he’s my guy. It’s like I’m not even looking. It’s like when you marry the right guy, you’re done. You’re not looking. Well, he’s just so ahead of time in terms of anti-aging.
So what special magic does dr. Sebagh have that’s kept Cindy Crawford looking so youthful for so long?
His secret lies in a remote region in the south of France.
At a secluded natural field, scientists have cultivated a rare melon containing a powerful super antioxidant with miraculous age-defying properties.
This super antioxidant seems to help rejuvenate your skin as it protects it from visible aging.
Watch as over time an ordinary melon decays, while this melon stays amazingly youthful and preserved.
Dr. Sebagh discovered this revolutionary breakthrough when he found these melons in the south of France which contains this powerful s.O.D. Antioxidant, one of the most powerful antioxidants ever known to science.
This incredible melon that’s rejuvenating my skin is wonderful.
There’s obviously something in it that makes our skin look younger and fresher.
Now, in a history-making advance, dr. Sebagh’s serums have been combined into a powerful anti-aging system called meaningful beauty.
The results you get from meaningful beauty are absolutely amazing. What is in those tubes is magic. You can just feel that you’re doing something spectacular to your skin, and when you look in the mirror, it’s like you’ve gone back in time.
Each day using meaningful beauty, I feel younger and younger. The pores are going away. The fine lines are disappearing even more, to where I don’t notice them at all.
You look at your before and afters. You’re like, “holy cow, who does this? Who looks younger four years later?”
Meaningful beauty has gone quickly from secret to buzz. Beauty editors from new york to Paris can’t stop talking about Cindy Crawford’s miracle in a bottle, and they’re not the only ones.
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I’ll wake up in the morning and I have these “wow” mornings where I just, “wow, my skin looks really great!”
Since I?ve been using meaningful beauty for three years i’ve noticed a tightness in my skin. I feel it’s lifted, it’s firmer and just more radiant.
Just knowing that real women are using meaningful beauty and that it actually is making a difference in their lives. It’s giving them confidence; it’s changing the way they feel about their skin. I love that.
Coming up, join me together with a wonderful live audience, as Cindy shares the magic that’s kept her skin looking so young and surprisingly wrinkle-free for the last 15 years.
It’s that whole journey of taking care of yourself in every different way. It’s about getting meaningful results.
Plus, you’ll meet the fabulous man behind these remarkable formulas, Dr. Jean- Louis Sebagh. Dr. Sebagh, could you fill us in a little bit on the glowing serum and why that’s so magical?
Ah, this is my red carpet secret for my celebrities, because it will give you an instant glow, radiance, and vibrancy to your face.
Then, a rare peek inside Cindy’s Malibu house.
Welcome. Come on in.
You’ll meet Cindy’s mom and her sisters and get the inside scoop on Cindy and meaningful beauty.
There’s lots of perks to being Cindy’s sister. She loves to help out Chris and I and her friends that we grew up with who don’t have the access to the experts.
And the makeup comes off, as Cindy shares exactly how she uses meaningful beauty every day.
That’s what I do, and I’m ready to go out the door feeling great.
Hey, I’m almost 50 years old, and I really think my skin looks better today than it has in years. I’d say Cindy’s secret is working.
Meaningful beauty has totally changed my skin. I’m looking younger!
As soon as you use meaningful beauty your skin just glows. It’s like this big “thank you!” it’s just an incredible product. There’s no other way of describing it.
A couple of years ago when a friend asked if I wanted to try Cindy’s skincare secret, I thought, “hey, anything she’s using, I want some.” well, today I am one of meaningful beauty’s biggest fans. My fine lines and wrinkles, they look minimized. My pores look smaller. My whole complexion, it’s brighter. I honestly believe my skin looks better today, at age 49, than it has in years, and it’s all thanks to meaningful beauty. So stay with me now as we discover much more about Cindy’s secret and how you can experience this age-defying magic for your skin. It really is great to be with you.
Thank you. I’m so happy to have you here.
I’m loving it. I love your meaningful beauty. I love it, love it, love it. I’ve been using it now for two years, and my skin just seems to get better and better. I don’t know how you do it, what you did, but let us in.
We have to take care of ourselves in a lot of different ways, but this is how I take care of my skin, and now you take care of yours. That’s what so exciting. When I originally did meaningful beauty, I wanted to share it, you know, with my friends and my mother, who’s right there in the audience today. Hey, mom.
Hi, mom.
Hey, how are you?
Nice to see you.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Okay, now, Cindy, tell us about this amazing French doctor, dr. Sebagh.
I met dr. Sebagh when I was 28 years old. A friend of mine, who’s a makeup artist, said, “you should check out this doctor in Paris.” so I made an appointment and went to the 2nd floor, buzzed the buzzer.
Ah, what a surprise!
This man opened the door, and he just had the most incredible smile and energy. And he was doing this anti-oxidant vitamin therapy, and it comes from a melon in the south of France that really helps your skin from showing the signs of aging. After the very first time I saw him, my skin looked completely dewy. It looked luscious, and I walked out of the office a lifelong devotee, you know?
But it’s been 15 years now that you’ve been seeing him.
It has been, yeah.
Now, a lot of us saw your last show and saw the before and after pictures. This is what got me so much. So, let’s see the before and after pictures that we saw last time.
Audience member: Whoa.
Look at you! I mean, there’s how many– that’s, what, 12?
That’s 12 years’ difference.
Holy Toledo! Cindy!
( applause )
It’s like a mirror image.
That is just, like, from an event, but those are already three years old, so we wanted to do new ones for this show. These are different, ’cause they’re straight on.
There’s a lot of 43-year-olds that want to look like you, just fyi.
Well, thank you.
A lot of 49-year-olds. Okay, go ahead.
What it really showed me is that it’s worth it, it’s worth it to take care of your skin, and you can make a difference in how your skin looks and feels.
I want what you’re using. Oh, wait, I do! I have it!
( laughing )
Now you too can have what Cindy has. The secret that makes dr. Sebagh’s serum so powerful is a rare melon extract discovered by scientists in the south of France.
( speaking French )
Voice-over: Traditional varieties of melons degrade in a few days. The secret of this melon is the large amount of active antioxidant, s.O.D., inside. When we were able to extract this enzyme, it was fantastic. It was revolutionary.
S.O.D. Is a very powerful antioxidant. It’s a natural antioxidant, and the real breakthrough of meaningful beauty.
That melon extract clearly works. I’ve been using dr. Sebagh and Cindy’s formulas for three years, and it is amazing how great my skin looks.
My skin is much tighter, which is wonderful at my age. ( laughs ) love it!
Dr. Jean-Louis Sebagh has been caring for Cindy Crawford’s skin for over 15 years now. Allure magazine calls him the youth guru. Via satellite from France, please welcome dr. Jean-Louis Sebagh.
( applause )
Hello, bonjour.
Dr. Sebagh, it’s so nice to finally see you. You met Cindy when she was 28. Can you tell us what was your first impression when you met Cindy 15 years ago?
I was very impressed. I don’t know, she’s the most beautiful woman in the world, and… For me, I’m always curious to see that my fantasy is gonna match the reality, and that’s the good surprise. With Cindy, reality is much better than the fantasy.
Thank you.
( applause )
Now, dr. Sebagh, we’ve all heard about this amazing melon extract. Would you like to fill us in a little bit more about that, how you found it, how you were able to develop it?
Absolutely. This melon come from a lovely area of the south of France called the Luberon. It’s a very secluded area where grows this very special melon, and it has these very powerful antioxidants called s.O.D., and it’s a natural antioxidant. It helps protect you against the free radical from the sun, all this damage due to the environment, and they help prevent the breakdown of the collagen fibers and they protect your skin from the visible signs of aging. We’ve been one of the first to use this melon extract in a skincare range in America, in very high concentration, which makes also the difference, and it’s so powerful that it’s given even the unique name of the youth molecule.
This super antioxidant, this “youth molecule,” literally seems to reverse the signs of aging. And now, word is spreading about this one-of-a-kind product that has one-of-a-kind results.
What we’re looking at here are some before-and-after clinical photographs which were taken of subjects using meaningful beauty on a regular basis, and what we see here is the appearance of the crow’s feet are visibly diminished. A dramatic improvement in the redness of the cheeks, in addition to a reduction in the size of the visible pores, and finally, a remarkable improvement in the appearance of these deep forehead wrinkles, as well as a striking improvement in the overall skin complexion.
Let’s face it. I can’t go every single weekend and I can’t make an appointment with dr. Sebagh, and I bet a lot of people out there cannot do the same. So to us women that like to stay young, that want to stay pretty, I think it’s great that Cindy was able to package all of this and make it accessible to all of us.
It just makes you feel like you’re doing something absolutely amazing for your skin.
No one wants to age and no one wants to look their age, and I know that using meaningful beauty has made me look younger. When I use meaningful beauty, my skin just glows, my complexion evens out, my skin is soft, and the fine lines just disappear.
It’s like heaven on my face. It balanced out my skin. It’s tightening my pores. My dry spots disappeared. I just love it!
Cindy Crawford’s meaningful beauty. It’s all you need.
What if you could experience the same magic that’s kept Cindy’s skin looking so youthful for over 15 years?
Order now, and Cindy will send you cleanse, which…
The cleanse just makes your face just feel so clean, and I love it!
You’ll protect your skin with dr. Sebagh’s antioxidant day cream with spf 20 to shield, nourish, and revitalize your skin.
At night, restore your skin with Cindy’s anti-aging night cream, infused with dr. Sebagh’s powerful melon extract to encourage natural collagen creation.
The night cream is amazing. This has done something good for my skin overnight. It’s been working double duty on me.
You’ll also receive eyes, to reduce the look of…
You’ll be amazed how your eye area appears more firm and lifted.
And we’ll also give you dr. Sebagh’s Decollete cream, a rare, European beauty secret to firm the appearance of the skin around the chest and neck, where the signs of premature aging often appear.
Patients pay thousands of dollars for a series of treatments containing dr. Sebagh’s amazing melon extract. That’s why meaningful beauty’s regular price of $119 for a one-month supply is already quite a bargain.
Once you see and experience the results for yourself, we’re sure you’ll agree.
But because Cindy has decided to offer these age-defying formulas direct to consumers with no retail markups, dr. Sebagh’s youth serums are now surprisingly affordable.
That means you won’t pay $119 for meaningful beauty. Customers who call in the next 14 minutes will receive an unprecedented 50% discount and pay just $59.95 for the complete meaningful beauty system.
It just gave my skin this immediate glow and radiance, and I started seeing results immediately.
Beauty editors from the U.S. To Europe are raving about meaningful beauty.
And in France at the prestigious Colette boutique, women have lined up to buy meaningful beauty, paying as much as 275 euros for it.
That’s over $300 U.S., but all you’ll pay is just $59.95.
That’s what so incredible about this product. You get everything for not a lot of money.
And your order is risk-free, thanks to a 60-day money-back guarantee, backed by trusted Guthy-Renker, that ensures you’ll be 100% satisfied or your money back.
You really don’t have anything to lose. With the 60-day money-back guarantee, there’s no reason not to try it.
And Cindy will reward you for acting quickly. Call 1-800-421-6011 now, and we’ll add these exciting bonus gifts. You’ll get dr. Sebagh’s famous facial mask, worn by Cindy to beautify her skin on her wedding day.
Watch as pore sizes visibly diminish and your skin texture is dramatically refined.
The mask is heaven. It’s very rejuvenating. It lifts and tones, and your skin just feels fantastic.
You’ll also receive dr. Sebagh’s model secret, the amazing glowing serum.
A breakthrough formula dr. Sebagh normally reserves only for his exclusive celebrity clientele.
This is my red carpet secret for all my celebrities. It will refirm, hydrate, and it will give you an instant glow to your face.
Best of all, Cindy will share with you dr. Sebagh’s incredible new wrinkle-smoothing capsules. They have a double effect that helps smooth wrinkles instantly, while also helping to fade their appearance over time.
They’re like liquid silk. From the moment you use them, your skin feels smoother and it looks smoother. You just feel like you have this special lift.
And Cindy is teaming with Guthy-Renker to offer a special one-time reward for customers who act quickly.
Be among the first 500 callers right now, and we’ll give you an incredible price break.
That’s right. You won’t pay $59.95… Not $49… But just $39.95 for everything you see here.
Think about it. The gifts alone are worth $50.
It’s easy, it’s simple, it’s affordable, and it works.
Call now and get the magic of Cindy’s serums for your skin.
We’ll even fast track your shipment with a free upgrade to priority shipping so you can benefit from Cindy’s serums even sooner.
So call 1-800-421-6011 now and start looking younger like Cindy with meaningful beauty.
Let’s travel now to Malibu, California, as Cindy welcomes us into her home…
Come on in.
…And takes her makeup off to reveal two of her favorite meaningful beauty skincare tips.
Here I am at home, and as you can see, I have all my beauty products out here. I want to talk a little bit about my favorite pick-me-ups and tips. What I do is I wash my face, and then I come in here, and before I get dressed, I will take the glowing serum… Love the glowing serum. And this is the little pick-me-up for my face. You can kind of see this nice… Sheen that it gives. It’s like that dewy, glowy look, and you definitely can use this all over your face. Use it on your chest… Your neck… And then just let it soak in. After I let the glowing serum set in, I go for these. These are the wrinkle-smoothing capsules, and I love these. This works in two ways: It works to instantly diminish the appearance of fine lines, and it also works in the long term to actually treat those wrinkles. So, where I think that most women could benefit from this product is around their eyes, crow’s feet, and a little goes a long way. That’s why they’re such small capsules. You can do it on– you know, if you have expression lines on your forehead, marionette lines, and then any extra put anywhere else you need it. So, those are two of my favorite pick-me-ups. That’s what I do, and I’m ready to go out the door feeling great.
I don’t know about you, but I look at Cindy and I think, “I want what she’s using.” I mean, it’s obviously working. Cindy looks like she hasn’t aged in over 15 years, and I think we’d all like to know her secret, hmm? Well, dr. Jean-Louis Sebagh introduced Cindy to an amazing formulation he developed to maintain the skin’s youthful appearance. The secret to meaningful beauty is actually inside this amazing French melon, a rare super-antioxidant that keeps this special melon youthful and fresh, while an ordinary melon decays.
This melon extract contains one of the most powerful antioxidants ever known to science. It has a unique ability to really slow down the visible signs of aging.
Thanks to Cindy, now we all have access to one of the most sought-after skincare doctors in the world.
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I know we’re all curious to find out more about meaningful beauty from Cindy and Dr. Sebagh, so now we are g