How Hair And Beauty Accessories Have Changed
Throughout the years, the trends relating to various hair and beauty accessories have never stopped evolving. Some styles get old and some are revived. A good hair and beauty regimen has been an integral part of daily life for women all over the world. From the early days to the present, a woman is expected to maintain a certain level of good personal presentation in regards to their image when they are out in public.
The hair change
Classic hairstyles, such as the sophisticated bun of the early years, have been overcome by the new trend of either long and straight, or short and spiky. Modern salons entertain the personal preference of their customers getting their hair cut. In the early days a single streak of colour could be seen in women’s hair, either in a tight bun or a ponytail.
Today, the modern woman can cut their hair short and still look sophisticated and feminine. Several hair streak colours are also available to change the shade or to even make a total colour makeover of your hair. Long and straight hair has been purposely curled to gain hair volume. Hair and beauty accessories really never went out of style, it is more the combination of uses that has changed gradually over the years.
Common hair accessories that are used today
Hair band – A hair band, also known as the headband, is commonly used to tame the hair in front of your head. A headband can either be a hard plastic, metal or a piece of fabric. The headband that is made of fabric can also be used to tie your hair in a ponytail style.
Wig – A wig is an artificial hair accessory that is made to a certain cut. It comes in different styles and lengths. The wig is often used to change a persons’ hairstyle without the need to go to the salon. This is commonly used when you don’t want to cut or colour your hair, yet you are after a new look or a temporary change.
Hair Extensions – These are really popular at the moment. Hair can take a long time to grow to the length you want and for those who are too impatient to wait, hair extensions can make your hair long and luscious within a couple of hours. They can be clipped in or they can also be sewn in for a look that is more permanent.
Hair Clips – There are a variety of clips in the market today. Some are useful to hold your hair in place and some are merely used as a hair decoration. You can match the various colours and styles with the clothing that you are wearing for the day. Bobby pins are an oldy but a goody, and they are used to hold back some of the finer strands of hair that love to escape.
The beauty change
Total beauty involves dressing properly, applying the right amount of make up, choosing the right shoes, and accessorising. There are times when makeup is popular and eyeshadows are bright, then there are times when makeup is trendier when it can barely be seen. Today, a lot of choices in regards to makeup can be found online.
Some popular beauty accessories include:
Mineral make up
Organic make up
Summer make up
Age – Defying make up
Dry skin make up
These beauty accessories didn’t exist during the early days; if they did they were never promoted and used as they are nowadays. The use of these hair and beauty accessories, have become more and more complex and the different ways of applying them, have been perfected by the modern women.