History Of Human Beauty
Human beauty has a long and varied history that stretches as far back as the human ability to reflect on the self. Beauty as a general term is defined as a characteristic of a person, place, object, animal or idea that provides a person with a sense of meaning, satisfaction, pleasure, or all fo the above. In terms of humanity, beauty generally tends to directly relate to health, genetic fitness, and an overall perception that the human in question is in balance and harmony with nature. This involves a multitude of elements including skin health, overall symmetry and youth.
The standards of human beauty are always evolving based on what a particular human culture considers valuable. Therefore, in some cultures a strong physique with good childbearing or siring capacities are considered beautiful, while in others markers of wealth, such as particular hair cuts or the ability to have manicured nails are considered beautiful. However, there are a few things about human beauty that don’t change from culture to culture or time to time. Relatively young humans with smooth skin free of skin tags and blemishes are always considered beautiful. Well proportioned bodies and regular, symmetrical features are also considered important.
As a matter of fact, proportion and symmetry are so important that some of the first written works on the subject of beauty by Pythagoras delineate a strong connection between mathematics and human beauty. In our modern day, studies of the perceptions of human beauty have found that humans look for very particular and exact proportions in faces and bodies when checking out potential mates. Even the smell of symmetrical people is considered more attractive than those with distinct asymmetry.
Naturally, humans have also been using various cosmetics and devices to make themselves appear more beautiful since the Stone Age as well. Lotions, creams and ointments intended to smooth the skin have been found in archeaological digs all over the world. Jewelry has a long standing place in the culture of innumerable people who wear it to show their wealth and status while making themselves more beautiful and eyecatching. Cosmetics were often considered magical spells for luck and protection in ancient Egypt. Considering the modern multibillion dollar cosmetics market, it would seem that nothing much has changed, either.
Details and fads change year by year, but it’s always fashionable to be as beautiful as possible. Tastes in cosmetics and jewelry change too, but keeping smooth skin that’s free of skin tags, moles and acne along with good personal hygiene and a neat appearance will never go out of style. In addition, modern people tend to underestimate their own personal beauty because they are trying to reach the modern ideal, but that modern ideal hasn’t been fashionable for very long, nor is it very sustainable. Good health, on the other hand, will always be beautiful.