Doomdooma.. Land Of Tea And Beauty…
Assam, with its beautiful smiling Tea Gardens, along the Brahmaputra and Barak valleys to produce 400 million kilograms of tea annually. Tea is known as a natural “miracle cure”. Assam is the birthplace of Indian tea with the highest quality tea to customers around the world with a rich aroma and flavor that will restore your senses bring the best selection of famous tea gardens of Assam for the rich. Assam, with the green and Oxbow lakes provide the region with hydro-person environment. We geomorphology and aesthetic offers a wide range of tea cultivation, improving the quality and taste. Assam tea is known for its freshness, taste malt and strong color with perfect balance. Created by his hand, leaving doomdooma teas are full-body and have subtle but complex characters. Teas are artfully blended to match your lifestyle and soothe your soul. Once a small, twisted and torn leaves of Organic Assam Breakfast with their empire, the result is an excellent breakfast tea. Liqueur is a clear mahogany, which provides a wonderful sweet and spicy. Taste is the perfect balance of freshness, strength, body and strength, which Organic Assam an ideal breakfast every morning. Each race is a great extension and relaxation, is considered a kind of art. As Assam teas have a strong taste and a bold drink English as “Breakfast Tea” and usually drink with milk. Tea is an integral part of everyday social life in many of the world’s most populous country. Tea has the most popular drink for Swath people in the world.
Assam tea is not restricted to the Indian sub-continent, but is exported to all corners of the world as a breakfast tea. On both sides of the river, rolling plains is one of the world’s largest tea-growing areas with the highest yield per acre. Immaculately pruned tea bushes covering 2,16,200 hectares, growing more than 360 million kg. Tea is the common scientific name of the plant Camellia sinensis. Was grown in China and the Asian region for thousands of years, and today, tea is the second most popular beverage, served hot and cold. Tea is the most popular beverage in the world in terms of consumption. Its consumption is the same for all other beverages produced in the world. India is the world’s largest tea-drinking nation, even
though per capita consumption of tea remains a modest 750 grams per person per year. Assam Tea offers a wide and exotic gourmet coffee flavors to fit any mood and occasion. We geomorphology and aesthetic offers
a wide range of tea cultivation, improving the quality and taste.
We are trying to spread the best quality tea to customers around the world as a result of a major demand of the product on the market. Our process of the qualitative level of tea from the tea gardens of Assam preserved. The topography of the state their juicer and take the leaves are thicker than the other guy. The right blend of pure gold leaf Assam tea shows a strong red and cream tea with the rich fragrance refreshes your senses. Our range is recognized worldwide for its rich flavor and aroma and is a good organic tea.
Specially packed our variety of Assam tea is available in industry leading prices Our premium tea blends are made of a safe herb to Organic Assam tea, green tea, black tea, herbal tea, Tulsi multi-herbs, aromatic
herbs tea, red tea, natural sweeteners, anti diabetics Tea Stress Tea, tea for coughs, leaves against fatigue, tea, tea for constipation, anti-gas-tea, tea, appetizer, Assam orthodox tea, Red tea, Assam tea and green Tea in the field of medical tests of taste and respect for the complex malt flavors. We offer tea, a tea to promote safe weight loss without the negative effects of a crash diet. It is prescribed for patients of all ages who are trying. Each race is a wonderful extension and relaxation, be regarded as the common and scientific names of the form of infusions. Today, tea is the most popular drink second of which was hot and cold. The four types of tea: black tea, a popular and well known, Oolong tea, green tea, white-hot. Organically produced in the famous region of Assam, Assam tea is the world’s leading
manufacturer of premium tea leaves and botanicals known that you have tasted a cup of tea like no other before you deliver. Teas are artfully blended to fit your lifestyle and dangle the soul. Each race is a great extension and relaxation, is regarded as an art form.
Once the small, twisted and torn leaves of Organic Assam Breakfast with their empire, the result is a brilliant breakfast cup of tea. The liquor is a light mahogany, which gives a wonderfully sweet and spicy flavor. The flavor is the perfect balance of playfulness, strength, body and strength, so that bio-Assam an ideal breakfast every morning was picked by hand, doomdooma tea leaves are full-bodied and has a subtle but complex characters. Created hand-picked, doomdooma tea leaves are full and have subtle but complex
characters. Assam teas to drink as a strong flavor and gutty, the English call it “Breakfast Tea” and drink usually with milk. Assam tea is not restricted to the Indian subcontinent, but in all parts of the world will be exported as a breakfast tea.