Discovering Time Tested Beauty – Bamboo Beaded Curtains
A home is simply not complete without your own personal touch. Everyone wants the ability to add culture and style to their living space. With the growing popularity of Feng Shui, it is becoming essential to pay special attention to the feeling you get when moving from one room into another. Ornamentation for doorways and plants that guide you through entrances is a growing decorative feature that adds life to any living space. Bamboo beaded curtains are a great way of achieving your own personal desired affect when it comes to the transition from one room to another. Bamboo itself has a rich history of not only gracing the interiors of homes that have been built worldwide, it has even been the building material of the home itself!
Bamboo is a material that grows in abundance naturally in the wild and is a resilient, yet light-weight wood. Its first widespread use occurred in Asian countries centuries ago, however it popularity has now engulfed the entire globe. Using bamboo wood to create various types of beaded curtains is not a Western idea. Chinese and Japanese cultures have been using this decorative technique for centuries. Here in the west, the beaded curtain gained popularity mainly in the form of molded plastic that has proven not to be durable and lack the environmental sensations as well as the natural beauty that is inherent in bamboo beads. There are other advantages that come with using bamboo wood to make beaded curtains that plastic beading has failed to offer. Bamboo beaded curtains come in a variety of colors, styles, and wood grains that simply cannot be produced using conventional forms of plastic molding. Even those manufacturers that attempt to make such reproductions lack the physical sensation of walking through a curtain of naturally occurring beautiful wood that has such a rich and ancient history. While this is a major plus for bamboo beads, they do not possess limitations that you think they might have by being composed of a natural occurring wood. Their size and lengths can vary to accommodate any type of doorway and the beads themselves can be decorated with printing or symbols that meet match anyone’s design concepts.
Bamboo is a material that has been incorporated naturally into the Feng Shui designs that have been past down to us by various cultures. The balance that they bring to any space is achieved with virtually no effort on your part. If bamboo curtains do not sound appealing to you personally, then there are many other functional uses for this wonderful wood. Bamboo window treatments can be made to substitute for brittle old blinds and gently obscure the sunlight entering your house while still offering a gentle rustle if they happen to catch a breeze floating by. So no matter the style that you want your home to possess, bamboo bead curtains can bring in that natural element that no other product can.