Celebrity’s Cheap Beauty Secrets

Stars – they’re just like us right? Sure. Except they’ve got larger-than-life bank accounts, photographers following their every move, and someone to make them look gorgeous any time they leave the house.

But even with all that money and all those resources, some stars have owned up to using super-cheap beauty products or even items found in the kitchen to keep looking great.

Here are just a few that I found:

Cold cream for lines Pop star Kylie Minogue has admitted to using Botox to keep her skin looking wrinkle free. But after a bad experience, Minogue now says she uses cold cream instead! “It’s such an old classic. My mum uses it,” she’s been quoted as saying. “I wanted to see what all the fuss was about and it really does work. It’s made such a difference.”

Olive oil for hands – The camera has long loved Julia Robert’s sparkling smile, but the actress says she keeps her hands soft and nails from becoming brittle by soaking them in olive oil.

If you want to try it at home, simply put a few drops in a basin of warm water and soak for 10 minutes. Or rub it on your hands (or feet!), put on a pair of gloves, and let it soak in while you sleep!

Baby lotion as eye makeup remover – Super hot supermodel Laetitia Casta once told a fashion mag she uses baby bath lotion and a soft cotton-wool pad to remove eye makeup.

The cotton-wool pad is softer than regular cotton balls and the lotion removes eye makeup in a snap.

Honey and salt to exfoliate – Actress Catherine Zeta-Jones keeps her skin looking glowy and soft by rubbing a mixture of honey and salt on her body to exfoliate. “You wash it off and your skin is gorgeous,” she told a magazine in an interview just before her 40th birthday.

Catherine also says she uses beer to condition her hair and crushed strawberries to keep her teeth white. Way to go, Catherine! Who says you need a lot of money to look gorgeous?

And the cheapest celebrity beauty secret of all – Don’t be afraid to be pale! Actress Cate Blanchett (she of the perfect, alabaster skin) says she owes her complexion to her mother’s wisdom: “My mum stayed out of the sun and moisturized she set a good example,” Blanchett told Marie Claire. “I tried to tan when I was 14, because it was deeply uncool to be this pale. But I just burned and peeled, so what was the point? I even carried a parasol for a while.”

Copyright (c) 2010 John Howell