Beauty Tips Your Mom And Grandmother Would Approve Of
Beauty is an age old art, explored over the centuries in various manners to achieve perfection. Women have been interested in numerous ways of staying young and beautiful and enhancing their looks since time immemorial. If you look around you, your mom, grandmother, aunts and great-aunts, you will discover the various beauty rituals their generations have followed to enhance their physical appearance as well as inner beauty.
Beauty secrets that have been passed on over generations are the best kept secrets, as they assure healthier, better results than most modern, synthetic methods. Most important of all, they will receive instant approval by your mom and grandmother.
Here are a few tips that would help enhancing your beauty the natural way, with guaranteed positive feedback from your mom and grandmother!
Skincare Use coconut oil to massage your body (preferable at night) to give it a shiny, soft contour. Enhance the massage with scented oils such as lavender or rosemary to add fragrance and extra softness
Scars Use lemon peel to get rid of scars. Rub a lemon peel over the scar generously and repeat for a few days/weeks. You will be surprised at how fast the scar fades away
Blackheads Add a bit of oatmeal and honey together and form a paste along with an egg white. Apply this on your blackheads by gently rubbing it over the affected skin and leave for 10-15 minutes. It will loosen your blackheads and make it easier to remove
Split Ends (Hair) Beat an egg yolk and mix it with some honey and olive oil and massage on hair, wrap in a warm towel and leave for 30 minutes before rinsing
An alternative to shampoo Use baking soda instead, it will absorb oil and loosen dry skin. Its also a great remedy for dandruff
Softer Hands Dip your hands in fresh milk for 5-10 minutes on a regular basis. Your hands will feel softer and will eventually lose all of the wrinkles and calluses from hard work
Eye Soother Use a mix of cucumber and potato juice in chilled state. Dip it in cotton and place over your eyes and relax for 10-15 minutes. Wash off and apply some coconut or baby oil. It is a great eye soother as well as a stress reliever. Coconut oil also helps to get rid of dark circles over time
Lips Lemon juice is a great remedy for dark lips. Use it on a regular basis and experience wonderful results
Try these home remedies yourself, improvise where needed and change where necessary to suit your skin tones/contour. You will be amazed at how effective some of these age old beauty secrets are. Talk to your mom, grandmother and relatives to learn more about the beauty regimes of their times, non-commercialized, health friendly methods that will make your beauty last longer and remain healthier the comfortable way. Opt for these natural therapies that have less side effects and assure longer lasting outcomes.
But most important of all, remember that beauty comes from within, so work on spiritual cleansing too. If you feel happy, content and maintain good health, your looks will definitely benefit. Inner cleansing is the best way to achieve glowing skin and a beautiful complexion. Practice good thoughts and become a glowing beauty yourself.