Beauty Creams – Argireline And Matrixyl
Many think that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty. Physical or outer beauty though only secondary to inner beauty is still very significant. As they say, if you look good you will feel good about yourself. If a person feels good about himself or herself, he or she will have confidence and belief. Confidence and belief is not bad. What is bad is not being respectful of others. Moving forward, external beauty is not everlasting. People do age. The most obvious signs of aging that people are not certainly joyful about is having fine lines and wrinkles.
Having that said, people are continuously on the lookout for new beauty merchandise that will enhance and maintain their youthful appearance. With so many products out there nowadays, it can be quite confusing which ones are really effective and which ones are just a waste of money. These days, many people are using wrinkle cream products to improve their skin texture and to reduce fine lines on the face. Argireline and Matrixyl are two peptides that are frequently used as part of anti-aging creams. Let us take an in depth analysis of these two peptides and see how they can truly benefit the skin.
Argireline and Matrixyl are two peptides that are commonly used as part of “anti-aging” products. Peptides are generally small fragments of proteins that have their own ability to interact with and affect cells. These compounds are often used together in special skin formulations that are designed to prevent wrinkles, mostly in the form of a cream. Generally these two peptides are combined with other ingredients, such as vitamins and supplements for the production of collagen. While Argireline and Matrixyl are two synthetic peptides, they have entirely different effects on the skin.
If you are familiar with Botox, argireline’s action is similar to that. Argireline works by blocking the release of neurotransmitters to the muscles. According to research, neurotransmitters function in muscle contractions. Argireline helps the muscles found on top of the skin to relax. Therefore, eliminates and prevents formation of wrinkles and fine lines. Researchers in Molecular and Cellular Biology Center in Alicante, Spain tested products with Argireline and they found out that volunteers who used the product with this specific peptide have 30 percent reduction in their wrinkles post management.
On the other hand, Matrixyl works another way. This peptide works by promoting growth of collagen as well as elastin and glucosaminoglycans. These three are very critical in the maintenance of skin function and it promotes good skin texture and appearance. As a person ages, he or she is losing these natural compounds. Thus, the skin develops ugly folds and wrinkles. Dr. Molls conducted a study on Matrixyl and he found out that products containing this kind of peptides can avoid skin problems in women, communally those who receive radiation treatment for breast cancer.
In the market, there are many products that contain these two peptides. Based on research, some of commercial skin products that contain Matrixyl 3000 are Isomers Matrixyl 3000 Rejuvenation Serum, Nutra-Lift Rejuvenating Therapy, Cellbone Super AOX and Your Best Face Correct. Since people differ in skin types, it is important to check what product is beneficial to a particular skin type. Also, there are people who have sensitive skin that they develop allergies on some ingredients. So be sure to check the ingredients on each product to make sure that the product will benefit you.