Arctic Beauty Kiwis – Edible Beauty

Arctic Beauty Kiwis are truly the perfect edible landscaping. Origionally from Russia, they can withstand temperatures of -40 degrees, and thrives from Canada to Florida. It’s brilliant shades of hot pink, cream and jade leaves bring vibrant colors to your garden from spring until frost.

This kiwi vine grows 15-20 feet per year, but is easily managed with pruning, and is easy to train. A mature vine can produce up to 200 pounds of fruit. It grows well in any type soil, and also does well in sun or shade. It stands out as the focal point in any garden.

Because it is a vine it should be grown on a trellis or along your fence. I bought a glider swing and trellis/arbor combo, and planted male and female kiwi vines on each side. By the time the weather got really hot they had grown up the sides, and were starting to cover the top, providing shade for my swing. I love to be able to sit on my swing and pick the fruit right off the vine as I glide along.

Kiwis are the most nutrient dense food out of all the minor fruits. They are packed with vitamin C – 1 cup of kiwis provides 273% of your daily value of vitamin C. They are also a rich supply of vitamin E, fiber, potassium, copper, magnesium and manganese. It is no wonder that Kiwis are considered nature’s super fruit.

With beauty for your yard, and nutrition for your body, you just can’t go wrong adding this beautifully edible landscaping to your list of must haves this gardening season.

Learn more about Arctic Beauty Kiwis here, including a display of the best pictures, and where to buy direct.