Tooth Lightening Looking At Toothpastes, Beauty Salon And Dentists.

Indeed, you’ve selected that you want to have teeth whitening, well I can assure you that it is an amazing way to give you a considerable amount of confidence whenever you smile. I spent years looking for the best way to whiten my teeth, in fact I tried hundreds of different alternatives until I finally ended up going to the dentist. I thought it would be a good idea to write about my journey of having my teeth whitened, why I wanted them white, some of the options I tried and eventually which dentist I went to visit.

I live in Northumberland which is a beautiful area of England, I work as a model and so wanted to have a perfect smile to impress my employers. The first thing I decided I would do is to buy some whitening toothpaste. I simply went to the local chemist and purchased the cheapest whitening toothpaste that I could find, they used it for a month but found absolutely no difference to the colour of my teeth. Yes, it was completely useless!

After that I decided to clean my teeth with bicarbonate of soda, this was after watching a video on YouTube and so I thought it would be a great way to have lighter teeth, how wrong I was. I used this technique for about 30 days to see what difference it would make to my teeth I took a photograph on the first day and compared it to a photograph on the last day and once again. There was absolutely no difference. In fact, if anything I think that my teeth were slightly darker afterwards, not a result I wanted.

The next thing I tried was a visit to a beauty salon, as this seemed much cheaper than going to the dentist. I have to admit (blank) I (blank) rather alarmed. They did not use any gloves and when I asked about the training they showed me a home made certificate in an old scrapbook. It was highly unprofessional and I didn’t feel comfortable having my teeth whitened , however I stayed and continued with treatment. After one hour sitting in the chair my gums were very painful and had a slight burning sensation to them, my teeth were also very sensitive immediately afterwards which was very uncomfortable.

Fortunately the discomfort got better quite quickly and so I was able to return to normal after the weekend.

Following my disastrous attempts at whitening my teeth using the cheapest method possible I decided that I finally had to go to a dentist. The cost was much higher but the whole process was much more hygienic and friendly than anything else that I had done before. When I arrived at the dentist the first thing they did was a full dental health assessment. This was something that was completely missing when I went to see the beauty therapist, they just whitened my teeth but the dentist was much more concerned about my overall health and just taking my money. The health screening showed that I actually had a small amount of gum disease and so the dentist said that I had to undergo visits to the dental hygienist before I began my whitening treatment.

I actually liked this approach as it meant that I was far more healthy, which is very important to me. After two visits to the hygienist I then went for my whitening treatment.

They gave me some whitening trays which fitted exactly over my teeth, I wore them for two hours per day for about two weeks until my teeth were fantastically white. Since I’ve had this treatment I feel so much more confident and my teeth feel much smoother and cleaner now that they have had the whitening treatment.

I can honestly say that going to the dentist to have my teeth whitened was the best thing I did, I know that it resulted in me spending more money but it was money very well worth it. It’s not about finding the cheapest place, it is about finding somewhere with the best value and getting the best treatment for the amount of money that I was able to spend. I think in the end it cost me 400 to have my teeth whitening and if I look back at all my attempts at toothbrushing, using chemicals and visiting the beauty therapist I think I would rather have spent that money at the dentist to start off with. It would have saved me a great deal of time and increased cost!

If you are thinking of having your teeth whitening please be sure to do your research, but I would strongly recommend that you go to a local dentist and avoid all of the problems that I had.
