Feminine Beauty

It’s true: women (and especially feminine women who are comfortable with themselves) are beautiful. Not just celebrities or beauty icons; all women. I’m not going to launch in to a discussion about beauty is in the eye of the beholder, because it is, and you and I know this. I’m going to give you reasons why you are beautiful, and why all women are, subject to a few things.;) no, I don’t mean your figure, or how symmetrical your features are. I’m talking about the intangible beauty that you can radiate through your feminine energy

Tattoos are an expression of personal creativity. For women, they represent the ascension from servant and nurturer to the power source of feminine power and beauty. Some say the Amazons wore tattoos on their backs to celebrate victories in war. Ancient tribal women had lower back tattoo designs to celebrate nature and worship the goddess.

There’s something about a woman’s body. Her hourglass shape mesmerizes the opposite sex. It is part of the aura of mystery that surrounds her, coming together at the small of her back. The gentle curve just below a woman’s waist is the focal point of femininity and beauty. When a woman adorns herself with a beautiful lower back tattoo design, she is expressing confidence in her own beauty, femininity, and power.

Tattoo designing has always been segregated into the two broad categories of femininity and masculinity. There are certain tattoos that ooze out feminine expressions while certain others are inclined towards all that is masculine about the world and nature. Like flowers have always been used to represent the feminine beauty and delicateness. Flower tattoo designs have always been popular especially among women, but should not be mistaken to merely represent femininity. They are also the embodiment of natures’ cycle consisting of birth, life and death.

Beauty is a commodity that goes with status and social acceptance in this day and age. All throughout the ages, beauty has inspired humans to create astounding masterpieces of art and attain exceeding heights of achievements. With the feminine being the symbolic manifestation of beauty, women have to keep up with the social expectation of being beautiful. With the standard set by Hollywood glitz and glamour, women go to great lengths to be considered beautiful. The market is inundated with a deluge of all sorts of products promising to enhance the feminine beauty. The medical industry as well recognizes the need to be aesthetically pleasing as cosmetic procedures are also in demand for the well-to-do bracket of the society.

Typically when a person thinks of a traditional Japanese tattoo the images that come to mind are the full body tattoo designs of the Yakuza. However, the world of tattoos has changed rapidly over the last tens years in the United States and tattooing trends around the world have changed also. In the West many women are discovering the rich beauty of traditional Japanese designs and these work well and are ideal for feminine tattoo ideas. So if you are looking for some type of Japanese tattoo designs for girls then this article will help you identify some of the best ideas to start from.

Beauty is the religious aspect of life where for a human being, being beautiful carries different implications towards their social and mental health. The portrayal of a person as “beautiful” as an individual or by a group of people is usually based on several psychological factors such as outer appearance, intelligence, elegance, grace, personality and even sense of humor. There are several other physical factors also in play as beauty is often classified as being skin deep and factors like; complexion, figure, symmetry, health and many others. Beauty is an evolving concept in the human evolution as from time to time and culture to culture the definition of beauty has changed significantly.

Tribal design is mostly done in black or red ink. If you choose to have the flower done in vivid colors, the tribal color makes a stunning contrast on the art work. It is not as easy for an artist to do tribal flower tattoos. The intricate tribal pattern should be done correctly. The ink should be applied evenly. And the flower should be shaded properly to stand out. If you want it done in one color, draw the flower in a tribal manner. Where you plan to have it done is also important in choosing the right tribal flower design. Tribal design needs to be properly contoured on the body part where you want it done.